Tuesday, April 23, 2013

So- How are you REALLY doing??

Being a full time family on the road, I get asked a lot of questions!!  I think this question is the one most of my family and friends want to know. How are you doing...really?? I may have worried a few of you with my post about the struggles I had in February. So- to put your minds at ease... I can honestly say, that I am doing really well now! Of course this lifestyle was a huge adjustment, but, honestly, it has been an amazing journey! I feel so blessed! We are having a great time on the road and we are all learning a lot! God has been so faithful to encourage me in little and big ways.  I love that we have wonderful quality time together, and that we can serve Him together as a family on the road with our ministry to parents and churches. As a homeschooling family, we feel this trip is an amazing educational opportunity for our boys as well. I love that we can see so many parts of our great country and met people from all over the United States, Canada, and overseas! We have also met so many wonderful people through the churches and seminars the past few months. The boys have made several new friends in every state we have visited.  We hope to reconnect with them again somewhere down the road!

Last month, I also had the chance to see some good friends in St. Louis.  For various reasons, it was a very last minute trip but I am so glad I had the opportunity to go! I did get some much needed girl time with friends, which was a huge blessing! Thank you ladies...for the laughs, good food, and encouragement!  While I was there in St. Louis, a huge snowstorm hit so I didn't get to see everyone I had hoped. Big bummer! :(  So to our dear St. Louis friends - I look forward to visiting you sometime soon - we miss and love you so much!

Alan and the boys are doing really well too. The boys love seeing all kinds of new places, but most of all they LOVE having more quality time with Daddy:) I know this may sound funny, but we have grown so much closer as a family. I don't just mean being in tight living quarters! The boys have become better friends with each other.  We are all learning how to serve, love, laugh, grow and encourage each other better.  I have to say...that is the best reward of all!

Thank you for your prayers, love and support for our family!

Blessings to you and yours!

Jill and the boys:)


  1. I can't believe I haven't found you earlier. We are a family of 6, traveling with 4 boys too!
