Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Delaware- State #13!!!! - A Great Visit with Family & Another State Capitol Visit!

After we left Virginia, we drove to Delaware near Rehoboth Beach for a visit with my Dad, his wife Ronnie, her daughter Adriean, and her 2 children.  My Dad and Ronnie live up in Connecticut year round, but Ronnie and her sister also own a beach house for family to come visit for vacations.  We stayed there for a week and it was wonderful! We had a great time just visiting, playing games, going to the beach, and exploring the area.  I have to admit, it was also absolutely wonderful to actually be in a house again for a week! I really appreciated doing laundry without having to load it up in the van (and no quarters were needed!!), cooking on an electric stove and normal size oven, and having room to just spread out!  We all enjoyed having a bathtub! I do like taking showers, but it is so nice to have a hot bath every once in awhile...heavenly!! It is amazing how much we appreciate all these little things so much more than we did before will lived in our RV full time. :)

Grandpa (my Dad) took us out for a car show and an ice cream treat afterwards...

Our first day at Rehoboth Beach was so beautiful! The water was just a little chilly, but the boys didn't mind.  They enjoyed just playing, digging, and building castles in the sand. My Dad helped us find the perfect spot!

There were TONS of these crabs all over the beach! The boys had fun finding them and watching them dig back into the sand...

Of course it is always fun to dig holes deep enough to crawl into...

Joshua and Caleb needed help getting out!!!

We stayed at the beach all day! It didn't take long for the little ones to fall asleep as soon as we got into the van:)

During the week, my Dad joined us for a visit to the Delaware State Capitol building in Dover.  The Old State House in the photo below was completed in 1791 and housed the state government until they moved into the new Legislative Hall in 1933.

Front steps of the Legislative Hall...

We explored Legislative Hall and our tour guide was fantastic!! She really engaged the group, and especially the boys! We all enjoyed learning more history about the capitol, as well as the state of Delaware.  On interesting fact we learned was about the Delaware state quarter.

Many people think that the man riding on the horse is Paul Revere. It is actually a man named Caesar Rodney, a native of Dover.  He was a delegate to the Continental Congress and he held more public offices than any other Delaware citizen.  On July 1, 1776, Rodney took an 80 mile journey through the heat and rain all the way to Philadelphia.  He was also suffering from asthma and battling cancer.  He arrived the next day at Independence Hall in time to cast the deciding vote in favor of our nation's independence!  Delaware is very proud to be known as "The First State"!

Not too far from the capitol building is the Johnson Victrola Museum.  

This was a really neat place! We all had the chance to listen to some old records on original victrolas...

Do you recognize this dog??  It's Nipper, the RCAVictor Dog!

One rainy day, we stopped by a local museum called the Nanticoke Indian Museum. It was a small museum, but the workers there were very helpful explaining the history of the artifacts there.

This Indian was just the right size for Caleb and Joshua:)

We took another day to visit the beach, but this time the weather was a little rainy and the water was much colder.  The waves were HUGE!

Aeda and Caleb enjoyed playing a game with the waves.  They would get super close and then try to out run them onto the shore...

Did I mention the water was really cold??

Adriean's little baby boy sure got a lot of attention:) It was neat to see how the boys enjoyed having a little baby around to entertain.  He is such a cutie!

When the week was over, we were all sad to leave:(  But- we are heading to CT to see them all again, along with my brother, his wife and their two children!!! YAY!


Jill and the boys:)

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